Taking the Scenic Route

Today I’m traveling to Texas to celebrate my daughter’s 29th birthday with her. In fact, I want to celebrate this last year because she finally realized her goal to work with Wycliffe Bible Translators. When I picked up my chai latte at the airport, the beverage sleeve said it all:

It definitely seemed like she was on the scenic route to achieve this goal, and now we look back and see God’s goodness in the journey.

Back at Camp Oda May

Even though I’m following the paths at my own pace, I’ve stayed on course. Look, I finished round three!

Making My Own Path

This is where both paths of the quilt look a little scary. I can either appliqué or piece forty-eight 5″-blocks. Both patterns look like they will take me forever, so I might be tempted to set aside this quilt and start a new, less-intimidating project.

When I went to 4-H camp as a child, I had one of these seemingly overwhelming moments. To hike into the woods, we had to cross a river by walking on a plank bridge, which was suspended by ropes. I’m pretty sure I cried inside when I saw that bridge dangling between me and the trail guide ahead. After praying a desperate prayer, I crossed the bridge, clinging tightly to the ropes as the bridge swayed with each step. Thankfully, each time I crossed the bridge – summer after summer – I gained confidence and eventually I loved crossing the rope bridge!

So, I’m sure I could apply that real-life camp experience to this virtual quilt camp. Stand up to the challenge! But, nope. I’m older and a little wiser, so I know I can make my own path and still enjoy the whole camp experience. Below is my alternate block that I can complete much more quickly. I won’t risk this project becoming a drag rather than being a fun distraction from the serious things in my life.

There’s often more than one scenic route. Choose your own path!

