
Do you ever feel like you’re moving at a snail’s pace?


I do, and I didn’t finish my Baby Butterfly Patch quilt for April. Bummer! (Maybe my goal should have been to iron my husband’s shirts. Then I wouldn’t have wasted time moving them so frequently.)

Shirts on hangers

May One Monthly Goal

I did quilt the Baby Butterfly with crosshatching, and I purchased navy Grunge Stars for the binding. So I’ll have this quilt ready for Jack’s Basket by the end of May.

Baby Butterfly Patch
Backing and binding fabrics

To make this quilt, I modified Vanessa Goertzen’s Butterfly Patch pattern. Now Vanessa is hosting a Butterfly Patch quilt along and the pattern is on sale for $5. I’m so tempted to join in because I already have the fabric and pattern. Alas, not the time.

Beothuk Star Quilt Along

I’m so excited to finally use some favorite fabrics for a star quilt along! My pieces are cut and I’ll stitch half-square triangles next week. Bonus: I get to use my new rotating mat!

Fabric pull for Beothuk Star quilt

Cross Stitch Maynia

This year the good folks at the Fat Quarter Shop are joining in Stitch Maynia 2019. Since I’m traveling to visit my daughter, I decided to start a new hand project, Ye Old Crow Sampler, so I can keep my hands busy while we relax together. (I even bought a small pair of scissors so the TSA agent wouldn’t confiscate my new Swiss Army Knife.) If you haven’t tried cross-stitch or need a refresher, Kimberly Jolly has a blog post with video tutorials that are fun and informative.

Old Crow Sampler

Moda Bakeshop At the Seashore

I confess feeling a pull to join one more quilt along. Maynia? It must be! Last summer I had so much fun with the Choose Your Own Adventure Quilt that I want to do it again. This year’s theme is At the Seashore, and we’ve only been given a hint. I might spend a week of sewing like a maniac (while my husband travels for work) so I can wrap up a few quilt projects. Then I can start something new with a clear conscience.

Moda Bakeshop At the Seashore

But this weekend I’m living the easy life in Texas with Hubby and Darling Daughter.

