Luminous Layers Comfort Quilt

It was serendipity: a call for comfort quilts and the Luminous Layers quilt along came together with fun fabrics in my stash. Boom! A starry quilt was born.

If my memory is correct, the quilt top is almost 50-inches square.

Comfort Quilts for Kids Entering Foster Care

Stacey Lee partnered with Comfort Cases this spring to provide new quilts and backpacks full of supplies for children experiencing disruption at home. The small size of the Luminous Layers quilt pattern by Sandra was perfect for my contribution.

Chevron Stars Custom Quilting

I asked my friend Angie of Taylored Quilting to add fun stitching for a child. She designed the chevron stars to add yet another layer of sawtooth stars.

Isn’t it fantastic?!

Layers of Love

I chose backing fabric that I had leftover from my Postcard from Sweden quilt, which was another quilt along with Sandra.

I think the fabrics and quilted stars add the perfect amount of whimsy to make a child smile and feel loved. Thanks to Angie for adding her gifts of design, love, and prayers to this child’s quilt!



9 thoughts on “Luminous Layers Comfort Quilt”

  • I love the unusual colors, Tracie!!! And then I saw the back–fab!!! I know where your inspiration came from! Cool quilting, too!!!

  • When I saw this on Instagram, I thought it was a zigzag all-over design, but seeing the photos here on my laptop as opposed to my phone, and the closeup –just WOW! That little sawtooth star in the points is to die for! Adorable and just perfect. And then the backing, left over form PfS–I think I screamed in my mind. And sent off for such a good cause. 🙂 The large size is 72″ and the small throw is 48″ 😉

  • That’s a gorgeous quilt Tracie! It’s sure to make a not-so-nice circumstance for a young child turn into something a little more comforting.

  • Sorry, mistake… 15th of June! And due to my language skills, I mean thanks for sharing your wonderful quilt! That is, what the sentence should be. Question about label is only because I am interested how do others label their work. Please take my apologize for my mistakes.

  • Yes, this quilt along is for all who loves stars! Wonderfull outcome from your stash… and the quilting is amazing.
    Thanks for the reminder…15th of July is coming soon. The last picture.. I understand first wrong, thought you had a part of the star again used to design on the back. Do you have a special label? Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  • This is such a pretty quilt, and will definitely bring a smile to some little’s face and bring some warm comfort. The quilting design is fantastic! Nice finish!

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