July: Choose Your Own Adventure

During July summer weather reigns in all its hot, steamy glory. Last weekend at our cabin the temperature was 90°F with a dewpoint of 76° and a feels-like temperature of 103°F. Thankfully I found respite from the heat on my shady front porch and in the local swimming pool, splashing with my nieces and nephews. Later that day thunderstorms erupted with heavy rain and high winds, bringing down tree branches and flattening corn fields. But we were all safely gathered at my mom’s home, enjoying pizza and root beer floats.

attitude makes the difference

During summer weather I enjoy kayaking, bicycling, bonfires and s’mores, road trips, eating outside, fresh fruit, and flowers everywhere. Sadly, we’ve had so much rain that a lot of outdoor activities have been put on hold, say nothing of damage to crops and roads. So I’ve decided to seize the day whenever the sun shines to make the most of this short season.

Camp Oda May

In the meantime, when the humidity is just too much, you might find me at my sewing machine (near the floor fan). I’m quilting along with the camp counselors (that’s secret code for pattern designers) at Moda Bakeshop’s Choose Your Own Adventure Quilt summer camp. This mystery medallion quilt offers two paths to choose from each week, so each quilter can make her quilt look like none other. Remember those days at camp when you could choose an afternoon activity? It’s sort of like that — without the mosquitoes and sunburn. And no musty cabins — we’re all working from the comfort of our own homes or summer get-away locations.

Here’s what I made during my first week of camp: the Star Valley center block. (Hey, don’t you remember showing your mom and friends all the cool stuff you made at camp? Here you go, Mom!) I’m using fabrics from the following Moda collections:

  • Nest by Lella Boutique
  • Pepper and Flax by Corey Yoder
  • Bungalow by Kate Spain

Star Valley quilt block

(Update: July 10) Here’s a photo of my progress from Week 2 of Camp Oda May that shows the progression of borders around the center medallion. I chose to make Path B’s Cross Creek blocks with Tulip block cornerstones and a narrow green border from Lella Boutique’s Farmer’s Daughter line.

Choose Your Own Adventure Quilt Week 2

So that’s my plan for July: enjoy outdoors with my family as much as possible and spend some respite from the heat at my sewing machine. All fun. No deadlines. (Except work deadlines, and I’m paid to meet those.)

One Monthly Goal

This year I’m participating in Patty’s One Monthly Goal (OMG) group so I’m accountable to finish unfinished objects (UFOs) and works in progress (WIPs). And just in case you didn’t know it, today is worldwide UFO day. I don’t know about evidence of alien life forms, but I do know that I have a few quilty UFOs. Since July is all about fun and not setting extra deadlines, I’m setting an easy goal: bring my Pineapple Punch quilt to a long-arm quilter and deliver my Jack’s Basket donations to their office in Roseville.

Fat Quarter Snowballs Quilt
Pineapple Punch

pinwheel pals quilt

Yes, I’ll be hanging out at Camp Oda May, too, but I’m not setting a specific goal to accomplish—just having fun. I’ll be sure to show you what I did at summer camp when it’s time to link up to OMG at the end of July. (By the way, did you know that Oda May is Pig Latin for Moda, as in Moda Fabrics and Supplies. Now you know!)



New day

I’m linking up with Patty at One Monthly Goal.

Choose Your Own Adventure Week 2
Star Valley