4 Ways I’m Keeping a Cozy Home

Did you realize we’re almost halfway through winter? As someone who prefers wearing T-shirts, shorts, and Chaco sandals, I’m looking forward to shedding my wool hat, heavy parka, and Keen boots. So if you’re like me, I’m glad I can bring you the good news that spring is on its way! In the meantime, I’m keeping a cozy home and intentionally taking steps to improve my mental well-being during cold winter days.

Mailbox on a snowy, rural road
Is it cold and snowy where you live? I walk to my mailbox every day and look for animal tracks and eagles in flight.

In spite of the cold weather, I do love January because it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past year, consider lessons learned, and make plans for the year ahead. I particularly enjoyed listening to these two podcast episodes: Lazy Genius Questions for the Start of 2022 and 10 Things to Tell You (The Final Episode). If you prefer a quick time of reflection, consider the four questions posted by Laurel Emory, Ph.D., M.B.A. on Instagram:

  • What is right about my life?
  • What is wrong about my life?
  • What is missing from my life?
  • What is causing confusion in my life?

I’m going to share four of my reflections from Laura Tremaine’s list of ten things, and they meld together with those four questions too. Perhaps my list is different than the typical “recipe” for cozy living. However, I hope to inspire you to live in your own cozy, authentic way.

Read (Anything!)

During January mornings, my husband and I light candles, curl up on our couches with a cup of coffee, and read. (We love our local library and the librarian, who happens to be my sister.) He recently finished Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson. And I finished Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher. Do I dare say that I was disappointed in the book when so many people told me they loved it? In my opinion, the plot was too predictable. Nevertheless, I’m glad I read it!

Book about Norwegian Mittens

My kids gave me this knitting book for Christmas. I’m super excited because it’s been on my wish list for a few years. My bucket-list goal is to knit at least one pair of wool mittens. That’s a stretch for me, so I created a list of skill-building projects and found a yarn shop with helpful people who assured me they can teach me how to use double-pointed needles. Currently, I’m knitting an easy Mistake Stitch Scarf.

I love hearing about the books people are reading because it encourages me to read outside my usual choices. A close friend sent me Jennie Allen’s book, Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts. I’m only halfway through the book; however, I highly recommend it for such a time as this. I also picked up a copy of the Bella Grace magazine, hoping to find some fresh cozy inspiration.

stack of books and candles
My husband made the walnut slab tea light holder. I love the lichen and natural wood grain.

Move (It’s Healing!)

Truly, take the time to listen to Laura Tremaine on this topic. Movement doesn’t mean exercise, but it can. Laura shares her story about the healing she experienced simply by moving her body.

My husband and I talked extensively about this topic with our daughter. (Insert the word nagged.) I think a lot of us (me, me, me!) need to take regular breaks from a screen (or sewing machine) to walk around our homes and look outside. The simple change in posture loosens tight muscles, and long-range views reduce eye strain.

Move also addresses what’s wrong with my life: I’m physically out of shape. Last year I underwent two surgeries, cracked a rib, and felt ill for a month. I spent more time in our recliner than I knew was possible! Now I’m taking steps toward better health on a treadmill. I love to walk, and I’m glad I can do it no matter what the weather is. Our TV room, pictured below, is no longer just for couch potatoes. My husband uses the Peloton in the other corner of the room, and I hope to add that to my exercise repertoire.

This room is a work in progress, just like me!

What does move have to do with cozy? Cozy is a comfortable feeling and the ability to comfortably move around your home is a wonderful thing.

Decorate (It Matters!)

My favorite accomplishment during 2021 was our inexpensive, yet dramatic, update to our kitchen and main bathroom. This farmhouse that someone else built suddenly became our home after some simple changes. My mood is so much lighter after covering the dark green and cobalt blue walls with shades of pale aqua. The colors we surround ourselves with (and wear) influence how we feel, think, and act.

Cozy home with bright farmhouse kitchen and large center island
Our farmhouse kitchen is a bright, welcoming space to create meals and treats on a dreary winter day.

As a self-described cozy minimalist, I like decorating with a few items for maximum impact. To create the kind of cozy home I love, I decided to make quilts for each of our beds. Hey, wait! I’ve been blogging about quilting for years. Don’t I have enough quilts? Nope. When my two kids moved into their own homes, they took their quilts with them. Last fall I did quite a bit of online shopping while sitting in our recliner. Rather than mindlessly spending our hard-earned cash, I specifically bought the fabric I needed to make quilts for our guest bedrooms. (I do have a lovely stash of fabric in my vault of happiness, so I bought a lot of yardage to complement those pieces.)

Our master bedroom is painted Jasper, a moody, almost-black shade of green, which happens to be very on-trend. (Dark walls are great for sleeping, but not so great for cooking or applying makeup.) I’m collecting ideas for the perfect king-size bed quilt to lend some color to our cozy cocoon. In the meantime, I place a throw-size quilt at the foot of the bed for those “three-dog nights.” During January through March, I’m joining Sandra’s Postcard from Sweden quilt along, and that quilt will add the perfect dash of color to my bed. I do love mixing in a bit of whimsy with my “serious” antiques. (I bought my quilt kit from one of the quilt along sponsors; shipping is free. It’s a great deal!)

The quilt kit includes the fabric, pattern, and color labels.

Practice (Habits + Rituals)

Create healthy rhythms for your day, week, and the season.

This was one of my goals for 2021, and I have made some progress. With some help from the Lazy Genius, the FlyLady, Diane in Denmark, and the Home Routines app, I created morning and evening routines and a general daily task list. After deciding on these guidelines for myself, I feel less frazzled and enjoy my home more. That’s where feeling cozy begins for me.

Simplified Planner for what matters most
Reflecting on the past year helps me decide what matters most in the year ahead.

I’m also practicing skills: quilting, knitting, and blogging. The more I do, the more I learn. Plus, I can do all these activities from the comfort of home. (Yes, I am truly a homebody; my life centers on home.)

These Sampler Spree blocks are a work in progress that will eventually add some sparkle to one of the guest bedrooms.

Keeping a Cozy Home Bonus Tip

Do more of what makes you feel like you. (Thanks for that tip, Lazy Genius Kendra Adachi!) After moving away from the Twin Cities metro – in the midst of a life-altering pandemic – I feel wonky. People and places I love are no longer part of my natural rhythm of life. This has been hard, and I bet you have experienced some things that make you feel wonky too. So do some of the little things that make you feel normal.

For me, that meant driving an hour to visit Barnes and Noble, Olive Juice Quilts, and a Taco Bell drive-through. (The closest drive-through fast food service is a 45-minute drive from my home. Wow, do I miss having options on days when I don’t want to cook or go out for a sit-down meal.) While out and about, I even enjoyed a cup of coffee that wasn’t a gas-station cappuccino. Our home in the country is great, but it doesn’t feel like my “normal” yet (and a lot of that is due to the pandemic upheaval).

Olive Juice Quilts in Wisconsin epitomizes cozy! Plus, their fabric and notion selections are fantastic. Truly, it’s a top shop!

I think keeping cozy is all about feeling at home with yourself and your surroundings.

How are you keeping cozy on these midwinter days and nights? I’d love to hear from you!

