Ultimate Beginner Quilt Block 1: Stripes

Welcome to the Ultimate Beginner Quilt sew along! Today Kimberly’s going to show us how to make Block 1: Stripes. If you purchased a kit from the Fat Quarter Shop, you’re ready to cut and sew! This block is perfect to learn how to stitch a scant quarter-inch seam.

Block 1 Option 6
I used a combination of Day in Paris fabrics for my version of Stripes.

If you’re like me and making this quilt from your own choice of fabrics, you have to make a few decisions before you cut and sew. I laid out several possible fabric combinations for the block, chose one, and stitched it together. But I wasn’t happy with it. So I used my seam ripper to take the block apart and started over with a different selection that would better introduce the quilt’s color scheme. Pictured below are a few other options I considered for Stripes. I took a photo of each option so I could continue to create groupings and not forget a favorite. I also changed the photos to black and white to study the contrast of colors and patterns.

Experiment with Color Arrangement

The Ultimate Beginner Kit uses solids so you don’t need to worry about mixing patterns. Rather, you can focus on cutting and sewing skills. Of course, you can mix up the arrangement of the colors even if you are using the kit. Give it a try before you stitch your seams together. There’s still plenty of room for experimentation within the kit that will make your quilt unique.

Ultimate Beginner Quilt from the Fat Quarter Shop

I printed off a few copies of the coloring sheet and pulled out my crayons. This is a loose plan for how I’m going to use my fabric. I’ll change it up as I go, but this will help me to distribute my main colors throughout the quilt.

Quilts Based on the Stripes Block

A simple block, such as Stripes, is very versatile and can be quite stunning. The traditional Stacked Coins pattern takes on a fresh, modern look in the Quilty Love version, Coins.

Coins quilt pattern

The classic Rail Fence pattern is also a version of Stripes. Isn’t this Zig Zag Rail Fence a fun look? This quilt is made of a Stripes block with three fabrics rather than four, and the design appears simply by tilting alternate blocks. Rectangles are pretty cool, right?

I hope you have a lot of fun making your Block 1 of the Ultimate Beginner Quilt, whether you’re making your very first quilt or stitching along for fun. You are going to love this quilt!

In case you missed last week’s introduction, go back to my last post for Kimberly Jolly’s list of supplies, tips for using a sewing machine, and my tips for teaching children how to sew. Next week I hope to have photos of my two nieces’ quilt blocks to share with you.



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