March: Adventure in Candy Land

Last week I completed my Jeep adventure quilt, which was a fun way to celebrate my husband’s love of Jeeps.

This week I’m going to share a quilt I made some time ago (2006?) that celebrates my affinity for candy and Scottie dogs.

Candy Land Quilt

Truly my photos tell the story. The Texas Hold ‘Em pattern is from Terri Atkinson’s book Dealer’s Choice, and the fun fabric is Candy Toss that features a plucky licorice Scottie. The custom quilting is very jolly: Connie stitched candy pieces and Scottie dogs frolicking around the border.

Texas Hold 'Em quilt pattern by Terry Atkinson

Not only do I have a collection of Scottie dog toys and paraphernalia, our family also had a feisty black Scottish terrier for 10 years. Here’s Jack as a wee little pup.

There is a funny story about how Jack became part of our family, but that will need to wait for another day.

March Goals

I have been struggling to make a plan for March… I really need to organize my sewing loft because I move from tidy to tornado aftermath very quickly.

The second photo is my current state of affairs. Uff da!

Yesterday I was trying to come up with a plan that would involve tidying my space and a fun project. In the meantime I began chipping away ice from our sidewalk because we are in a late-winter freeze/thaw cycle.

Then whammo! I sprained my hand. Now I’m unable to grip a pen, let alone a ruler and rotary cutter. So my two small goals for the month of March will be cleaning up my mess and hopefully making a baby quilt for Jack’s Basket.

Today I’m linking up with Sandra’s Throwback Thursday and Patty’s One Monthly Goal.